Saturday, 30 April 2011

"...a pot of coffee, 12 jammy dodgers and a fez!"

Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut

Wow. Just, wow. I might not be capable of writing a coherent review for this episode that isn't just comprised of  "AWESOME" and "holy gods!" and "WTF WAS THAT?!". 

*deep breath*

Review, and spoilers under the jump...

A Note of Nerdy Fangirl-ness

A quick moment of "squee!" to say that Doctor Who series 6 starts tonight in Australia. We've had to wait a week until after England (and America and Canada!) got it, and I've been valiantly avoiding any internet spoilers all week.

So I don't know much about tonight, except that it features 1960s America, River Song, the Doctor in a Stetson and some seriously creepy looking aliens called the Silents (Matt Smith said in DW Magazine that they're scarier than the Weeping Angels, and they scared the hell out of me, so I'm looking forward to it. I love it when DW gets actual, proper scary).

(Aside: Do the Silents look slightly like the Gentlemen from the Buffy episode Hush, or is that just me? It's the whole grey face/suit/creepy/silent thing.)

I can't wait. Me and my friends are sure to discuss it all on MSN straight afterwards. So this is just me, writing to tell you that I am indeed a nerdy Doctor Who fangirl.


See you in the time vortex,

The Coat

Isn’t it funny how sometimes you really want something, and suddenly it just appears?

When I was 12, I wanted a pink surfboard. ‘Bright pink, it has to be bright pink!’ I told my dad as we drove to the surf shop. Lo and behold, when we got inside, my gaze fell upon a pink surfboard, exactly the right size and surprisingly inexpensive. Fate? Coincidence? I don’t know. But it happened again last week.

I was in search of a coat. Not just any coat, but a long black leather coat, the kind worn by Spike and Angel on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or other mysterious and badass fictional heroes/villains. In Melbourne the other day, we found ourselves at the giant op-shop, Savers. I dodged around the inner-city hipsters wearing fedoras and Doc Martens, and found it on the rack as if by magic.

(That's what I'm talking about. Pic copyright

Floor-length, vintage black leather. In my size, too! Praise upon the fashion gods, I had found my coat of badassery. I tried it on. Thought about it. Ummed and ahhed. A hipster girl in a bowler hat and eyeliner caught my eye and gave me an encouraging nod. That was good enough for me.

Now it’s hanging in my cupboard. It’s the kind of coat you wear for fighting the forces of darkness and solving mysteries. However, there’s a bit of a shortage on evil where I live, so I think I’ll wear it for walking the dog around the park. Only when it gets really cold though.

Or I could wear it to get inspired. It is the kind of coat a writer would wear, though probably while they’re starving in a garret, not typing on a laptop in their bedroom.  (Query: what is a garret? And why do creative types always live in them? And why must you starve in them? Can you not be a writer in a garret who lives on nachos and chai latte?)

So, yeah, just like that, I have my coat. Now I’d really like to find a million dollars.


Damn. It was worth a try.

Au revoir,

Book Review: Before I Die by Jenny Downham

Before I Die tells the story of sixteen-year-old Tessa, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Throughout the book she struggles with the knowledge that she will die before she can grow old, leaving behind everyone she loves. She creates a list of things she has to do before she dies, and the main plot revolves around her trying to do everything, as well as her relationships and her thoughts and feelings about her imminent death.
Obviously, any book about a teenager dying from cancer is going to be sad, and this one is no exception. Some parts of the book are joyously happy, but mainly it’s incredibly sad (and I cried at the end, like the sentimental teenage girl that I am). This isn’t to say it’s not a good book. Just don’t read it if you want to be in a cheerful mood. It will make you think about life and really consider everything we have, how we take so much for granted. I know that sounds cliched but it's totally true for this book. Throughout the book you just want to be there for Tessa and assure her that things will be alright. She’s a great protagonist, even though she has her flaws. Her family and friends make up a diverse cast of characters, all helping or affecting Tessa in some way.  
I would recommend this for anyone who likes dramatic, moving novels, such as My Sister’s Keeper and The Lovely Bones. I think it’s best for ages 14 and over.
Rating: 9/10

Friday, 22 April 2011

The Dreaded First Post

Hi. Welcome to my world.
Or should I say your world, since this is and this is my first blog. *looks nervous*
Sooo...I'm Z. I'm from Australia. I like movies, music, books, TV shows. (See my profile for the full list) Hopefully this blog will be where I write about the movies and TV shows I watch, the music I hear and the books I read, so I can inform people and also improve my writing skills. There'll be reviews, there'll be lists, and also the general random gibberish that you get when you put me next to a keyboard.
The title of my blog, obviously, comes from that old saying "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". Except being the internet, we don't speak, we write. And we blog. The picture at the top of the page is some webcam shots cobbled together on Photoshop with my amateur VCE Media student skills. I'll probably change it, because right now it looks...amateur. :P
To anyone reading this (all 2 of you!), hi, and thanks for even taking the time to look at this. I'll be posting some actual interesting stuff soon.
Au revoir,